CesarFTP Presentation


Please read the license agreement. This software is temporarily distributed as freeware and will become a shareware shortly. Once the shareware version released, there will be no support for the freeware version.

CesarFTP is an easy-to-use and fast to configure FTP server. Fed up with modifying your hard disk structure to share your file ? Then enjoy CesarFTP virtual file system support ! You can with a few clicks configure your server to share specific files without moving and / or copying them to a new place. CesarFTP also supports quotas and ratios, download speed limitation, limitation of the number of connects and many other miscellaneous things ! You can as well configure file logs and screen logs. With events handling, you can configure an automatic processing of uploaded files. Now you can run the server as a system service and remote control it !

CesarFTP is designed for Windows 95, 98, Millennium, NT (including 2000), with Winsock 2.0 at least installed and preferably with Internet Explorer 4.x or higher installed for help file support. For Window 95 users, you may need to add some updates to your system in order to run this program. Please visit Microsoft site in order to download theses updates (Winsock 2 & IE 4 or higher).

CesarFTP has been designed for users so feel free to report bugs you may find, or improvement you would like to be implemented in CesarFTP server. Your feedback is really important.

If you don't feel comfortable with difficult settings and command lines, this FTP server is for you ! You can within a few seconds configure the server to share data using an anonymous account. CesarFTP also brings to users many unique features which may be very helpful for advanced users.


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